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- Blueberry Ridge
- Carriage House Samplings
- CM Designs
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- Forever in My Heart
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- Keslyn's
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- Little House Needleworks
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- M Designs
- Nora Corbett
- Pansy Patch Quilts and Stitchery
- Plum Street Samplers
- Praiseworthy Stitches
- Primrose Cottage Stitches
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- Rosewood Manor
- Scattered Seed Samplers
- Scissor Tail Designs
- Shakespeare's Peddler
- Shannon Christine Designs
- Shepherd's Bush
- Sisters and Best Friends
- Stacy Nash Primitives
- Stitches by Ethel
- Stoney Creek
- Sue Hillis Designs
- Summer House Stitche Workes
- The Artsy Housewife
- The Blue Flower
- Prairie Schooler, The
- The Scarlett House
- Sweetheart Tree, The
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- Threadwork Primitives
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- Acufactum
- Alessandra Adelaide
- Alice and Co
- Barbara Ana Designs
- Christiane Dahlbeck
- Couleur d'Etoile
- Création Point de Croix
- Cuore e Batticuore
- Erin Elizabeth Designs
- Fremme
- Faby Reilly
- Ink Circles
- Isabelle Vautier
- Jeannette Douglas Designs
- Jardin Privée
- L'R de rien
- Les Brodeuses Parisiennes
- Lesley Teare
- Long Dog Samplers
- Madame La Fée
- Madame Chantilly
- Marie Suarez
- Marjorie Massey
- Nimue Fée Main
- Passione Ricamo
- Reflets de Soie
- Renato Parolin
- RICO Design
- Sabine Taterra-Gundacker
- Soizic
- Stickideen von der Wiehenburg
- Tellin Emblem
- Tralala
- Twin Peak Primitives
- UB Design
- Werkstatt für Historische Stickmuster
- Zweigart Stick-Ideen
- Miscellaneous
American brands
- Books and Magazines
- DMC Stranded Cotton
- DMC Color Variations
- DMC Coloris
- DMC Light Effects
- DMC Diamant Metallics
- DMC Diamant Grandé
- DMC Satin Thread
- DMC Perlé
- DMC Cotton a Broder
- DMC Eco Vita 360
- Danish Flower Thread
- Deutsches Baumwollgarn
- Fru Zippe Flora-cotton
- Oehlenschläger
- Olympus
- Sulky Cotton 12
- Aurifil Mako 28
- Crescent Colours Floss
- The Gentle Art
- Weeks Dye Works
- Needlepoint Silk
- Au Ver à Soie
- Caron Waterlilies
- The Thread Gatherer
- Stef Francis
- Dinky Dyes Silks
- Kreinik
- Rainbow Gallery
- Glissen Gloss
- Needlework Fabrics
- Hand Dyed Fabrics
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Designers / Manufacturers

Handarbeitsbücher und -hefte zum Thema Sticken, Nähen und Dekorieren
Stick- und Nähbuch von acufactum
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Stick- und Nähbuch von Acufactum
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Winterfreuden - Schäfchenschöne Handarbeiten
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Näh- und Handarbeitsbuch von Acufactum
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